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    Pain, Injury and Arthritis

    Acupuncture Sunshine Coast

    Acupuncturist in Brisbane

    Our bodies are made up of intricate networks of complicated systems that perform millions of tasks, so as you can imagine pain, injury and arthritis can be complex to treat. This is why we create treatment plans that include multiple services to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

    Our industry leading therapists give you the personal attention you deserve to understand your condition then specifically design personalised therapy that evolve as your condition changes.

    Helping people like you everyday!

    We take the time to understand your needs then create a plan that is right for you


    Pain and Arthritis can exist as a result of an injury, lifestyle choices or trauma and can present in different regions of the body. We can help you with all the things listed below and many more.

    The people we treat…

    • people with everyday pain, injury and arthritis
    • people with chronic, complex and long term problems
    • people who are active, fit or ‘on the go’
    • people injured in the workplace
    • people with repetitive strain problems
    • people who sit for long periods
    • people who bend, lift or are on their feet all day
    • people with physically demanding jobs
    • people involved in traffic accidents
    • during and after pregnancy
    • growing children and teens
    • ageing or ailing bodies

    Do you need help with any of these symptoms?

    • Back, neck or shoulder pain and injury
    • Spinal problems and Sciatica
    • Headaches and Migraines
    • TMJ dysfunction and jaw pain
    • Joint pain and stiffness
    • Sprains, strains and bruises
    • Torn, tight or sore muscles
    • Muscle spasms and cramps
    • RSI and overuse injuries
    • Arthritic pain, stiffness and swelling
    • Bursitis or tendonitis
    • Chronic pain

    Did you find what you were looking for? Why waste time online?

    Call or book a session to have you questions answered and discover how we can help.

    Same day appointments are often available!



    We work to identify and treat BOTH your symptoms and their underlying causes

    Acupuncture, Biopuncture and Moxibustion for Pain, Injury and Arthritis

    Acupuncture, Biopuncture & Moxibustion have proven to be beneficial for treating chronic pain (5). Especially if you’re failing to get relief from other forms of treatment. Arthritis pain and inflammation is often the result of joint stress, trauma, overuse, and aging. However, Acupuncture, Biopuncture, and Moxibustion can be effective in reducing pain and improving overall joint function (1). Effectively managing this pain can allow you to experience less stress and more flexibility in your life.

    Nutrition, Exercise and Lifestyle advice for Pain, Injury and Arthritis

    Clinical Nutrition and Nutritional Medicine are a critical part of any strategy for reducing pain, injury symptoms, and arthritis. For example, recent studies have shown a connection between celiac disease (gluten intolerance) and joint pain (2). Your clinical nutritionist will address the nutritional, environmental, physical, spiritual, and emotional factors that may be triggering your pain or arthritis. You will receive an individualised treatment plan based on traditional food wisdom and evidence based practice.

    Psychology for Pain, Injury and Arthritis

    Psychological counselling can have several benefits in the treatment of pain, physical injuries, and arthritis. Several studies have found a link between increased pain and the way we think about ourselves and our physical conditions (3). Our psychology services can provide you with strategies for dealing with chronic pain, injuries and arthritis, as well as psychological issues such as depression. Studies have demonstrated that psychological assistance can reduce the distress and pain associated with injuries and arthritis (4).

    Still not sure?

    Book a free 15 minute session with our industry leading therapists to have your questions answered.

    Free 15min Session



    1. McDonald J, Janz S. The Acupuncture Evidence Project: A Comparative Literature Review (Revised edition). Sunshine Coast: Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd; 2017.
    2. John Hopkins Medicine, Arthritis Centre: Nutrition & Rheumatoid Arthritis
    3. Geenen R, Bijlsma J W J. Osteoarthritis & Cartilage: Psychological Management Of Osteoarthritis Pain, 2010
    4. Backman C. Arthritis Research & Therapy: Arthritis And Pain, Psychological Aspects In The Management Of Arthritis Pain, 2006
    5. Andrew J. Vickers, DPhil; Angel M. Cronin, MS; Alexandra C. Maschino, Archive Of Internal Medicine: Acupuncture for Chronic Pain Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis, 2012

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    Interested, but still not sure if we can help you?

    Have all of your questions answered by calling our friendly reception team to chat with our Sunshine Coast Acupuncturists 07 5473 9973 | Mobile/SMS 0437 072 311; or search through the buttons below for more information.

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