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    Acupuncture for Fertility

    Acupuncture Sunshine Coast

    Acupuncturist in Brisbane

    Our practitioners have undergone further advanced training in Acupuncture for Fertility Management in both Male and Females. If Natural Conception hasn’t occurred and/or IVF has been unsuccessful on previous attempts, Acupuncture is great for balancing the body in both Males and Females.

    When IVF doesnt work, its more than likely that the Male or Female hasn’t produced healthy enough sperm or eggs, or the Female isnt healthy enough herself to harbour a pregnancy.

    For Females Acupuncture can help the body to re-regulate Irregular Periods and assist in managing issues with No Periods, Ovulation problems, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Endometriosis, Fibroids and more.

    For Males, Acupuncture may help boost specific Fertility areas such as Poor sperm quality, Low Sperm Count or Decreased Sperm Motility.

    Most of these signs and symptoms are due to Hormonal imbalances in the body, which may be assisted with Acupuncture.

    Acupuncture is also great to help maintain a Healthy Pregnancy – also possibly assisting in reducing Morning Sickness, Blood Pressure problems, Back Pain, Sleeping Issues, Breech position of the baby and Induction of Labour

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    Have all of your questions answered by calling our friendly reception team to chat with our Sunshine Coast Acupuncturists 07 5473 9973 | Mobile/SMS 0437 072 311; or search through the buttons below for more information.

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